Matthew 25: Project Letter 1

Please bear with me in the writing of this letter. I am speaking from my heart. I know that may not sound like a letter coming from a company, but we are not an ordinary company. We are a family-owned, God-led company. After having been healed from two cancers and in searching for my “purpose” on this earth, through prayer this company was born.  While our main goal is directed at living a healthy lifestyle with a mission to” Make Healthy Fun Again”, we are laser-focused right now on the holidays and the food pantries.


I know this may sound controversial and political, but we all know our economy is terrible and money that should be going to help the citizens of our country to put food on their tables is being sent to other countries and given to the millions of immigrants who are entering our country illegally.  With this in mind, we are building an army, and we hope you will join.  We are calling this campaign the “Matthew 25: Project” and our army is the Matthew 25 Warriors.  We hope this will be just the beginning of an incredible movement that can have a serious impact on the lives of those who really need it. 


My heart goes out to those who must rely on a food pantry to feed their family, particularly when I see that many food pantries are running out of food. This is particularly stressful during the holidays when families come together around the table to celebrate. It’s hard to celebrate when you are hungry. 


We have several ideas in mind for raising money for the local food pantries as well as for the needs of your church and that of the school if there is a school associated with your church. 


I will be calling you within the next few days to speak to you directly, but I wanted to first send an email to you, so you have something in advance and will know to expect my call.


I do hope we can have a conversation and perhaps even an exchange of ideas so we can move forward together and start a tremendous movement to win this battle over hunger.  I look forward to speaking with you very soon.


Most sincerely,



Claudia Brandt, Founder and CEO

The YETE Program


Matthew 25: Project Letter 2