The Birth of YETE (05/09/2023)
I glanced at my chart lying open at the obstetrician. All I saw was “obese” female. The word hit me like a brick. I left the doctor’s office determined to not be “obese”, but I was pregnant and couldn’t really do much about it. After my baby was born, life pushed “obese” out of my mind.
Years went by, and I continued to live my life not thinking about how my weight might be affecting my health. Then another doctor’s appointment hit me with three words this time - “you have cancer”. Those are words nobody wants to hear, and the brick that hit me was much heavier now. They threw in a diagnosis of diabetes for good measure.
After surgery, I learned my diagnoses were related to being “obese” and reality hit. I needed to make changes to my lifestyle. It was a bit confusing and slow-going but I made progress. Then a second cancer diagnosis only fueled my desire to make changes. I am a work in progress, but progress it is.
I believe in a purposeful life. We were all created with a purpose on this earth and it is our job to figure out what it is. I felt led to find a way to help others to avoid my fate. Through this YETE was born. In The YETE Program we begin with the children. If we start them on the right path to a healthy lifestyle, then they quite probably avoid these problems in their future. They will build healthy habits and make the right choices and never have to know what it might have been like. However, we at YETE never want it to seem like work, so we have developed a program that throws in as much fun as possible so it never seems like work. If you are reading this and you agree with this, then I hope you will join us in Making Healthy Fun Again!